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Fiction & Poetry

Sunday Poem: Ayodhya

We have not witnessed a house of worship being destroyed. We have just flown a few thousand miles after cutting the wings of the birds in lieu of certain needs. After having offered a…

Sunday Poem: Motion

Things are clear yet hazy. The marks of dry pimples on your face, The zebra glass frames under your trimmed eyebrows, The lines of the smile on your moped lips. All that was in…

Sunday Poem: The Song

These days you sing At almost every gathering And I follow you shamelessly. I breathlessly drink your voice Its shape, texture and tone With an abandon That sometimes…

Sunday Poem: River

The river is like a flowing history Or a curving geography of civilization So many cultures nurtured in your lap So many cities lost in your waves In your bosom you hold so many…

Sunday Poem: Attraction

Yet again, I wonder why my mind is attracted to bow, at your blue feet. See, tainted, I have smeared injustice, all over my ebony body. Time and again, You say, take this path....…